Barefoot Friendly Livery Yards
Barefoot Friendly Livery Yards North West
Any UK based barefoot friendly livery yard is welcome to be listed on this website. The listing of yards on this site is neither approval nor recommendation. It’s simply to provide you with a way to find information so you can make your own decision.
Natural, Track and Barefoot Friendly Livery Yards are all welcome on this page.
Click here to list your Livery Yard
Higher Farm Livery Yard
Contact: Laura Clarke
Location: Middlewich, Cheshire
Higher Farm Livery is based just outside Middlewich, in the heart of the Cheshire countryside.
We are able to offer grass and track livery, for those wanting to take a more natural approach to horse welfare. We also have excellent part and full livery packages available too.
Our facilities are second to none with including hot washes, solarium, horse walker, hard standing for lorries, multiple arenas with barefoot friendly surfaces, off-road hacking around our 123 acres of grassland, and in our rehabilitation unit, access to a combi-floor and water treadmill (at discounted rates for our liveries).
We are incredibly lucky to have a link to Somerford Park and therefore offer regular transport link. We also host camps and training sessions with off-site instructors to allow you to keep up-to-date with the latest training methods.
If you get peckish, we have Cobbies Cafe on site which serves a delicious variety of food and drink, to keep you on the go all day.
Pendle Equestrain Barefoot Free Range Track Livery Yard

Contact: Jenny Hargreaves
Location: Barrowford Lancashire
EST 2001 , Pendle Equestrian was the third Barefoot livery yard in the UK. Often used as a model for up and coming yards. We like to specialize in metabolic /overweight/ppsm/retirement / and barefoot rehab /plus holiday and respite care. With over 2.2 miles of track permanently available and produce hay off our 50 acres of land, that is also available for winter free range living, communal barn and dry lots for the more metabolically challenging horses. 40 years experience. Horses also taken in for pre training and in hand work
Spring Vale Farm

Contact: Kathryn Williams
Location: Accrington, near Blackburn
A small family run livery yard, with the NW first permanent outdoor horse agility course Adventure Neighground. We offer a full range of livery services, from full livery to occasional services. We have turnout all year round (daytime only in winter, 24/7 in summer).
20 by 40 sand and fibre arena, a small range of training jumps both coloured and working hunter style. Riding in fields is permitted when the ground conditions allow.
An extensive range of arena agility obstacles available, including whatever is required for each month's Horse Agility Competition (OLHA)
Located directly on a bridleway, with a short 20 minute and a longer 1 hour 20 minute hack (10 mins on road)
Mixed herd, FEC used, full haylage analysis.
Natural horsemanship and positive reinforcement are used, with restrictions on some other forms of training and some restraints and punishment-based techniques being banned.
A quiet, calm yard in which to pursue your training.
Occasional on-site clinics in horse agility and Le Trec. We are also the training ground for Ribble Valley Mounted Archery and will be hosting competitions etc for them.
Holistic Reflections
Contact: Beccy Smith
Location: Yewcroft, Wilton, Egremont, Cumbria, CA22 2PJ
Small Private Yard catering for specialist rehabilitation livery with expert Equine podiatrist and therapist Beccy Smith BSc (Hons) DAEP (MIAEP) EBW. Suitable for transitioning to barefoot and chronic lameness issues inc. laminitis, founder, navicular and other hoof related issues.
Facilities include private all weather or grass turnout, stabling on orthopaedic EVA matting and Bedmax, on-site expert podiatrist/barefoot trimmer/therapist, SCENAR therapy, boot walking, off road hacking/in-hand exercise, Russian Healing Blanket, steamed (Haygain) or soaked organic meadow hay (little or no-Rye grass).
Tailor made packages for a very small number of horses with individual attention by an experienced team of carers and therapists. Short or long term stay and on-going support provided. Additional services provided by our associates include energy work, animal communication and straightness training.
Contact me for availability.
Lynmere Moss Farm
Contact: Stacey McNeil
Location: Delamere, Cheshire
Barefoot track livery yard based in the heart of Delamere Forest.
Barefoot, organic feed only, no rugs (plenty of shelter), down to earth, open minded people.
Adlib meadow hay spread across 10- 14 hay feeders, access to large hardstanding yard with shelters, outdoor arena, CCTV, owners on site, direct access into the forest, Kelsall Hill 10 mins away.
Home Farm Holistic Livery
Contact: Jen
Location: Mottram, Hyde, Greater Manchester
We are an Equicentral, welfare-focussed livery yard on the edge of the Peak District in Greater Manchester. We offer group housing (in herds) over our 50+ acres of biodiverse and native 'safe' pasture, expansive hard standing areas and tracks for mud-free winter turnout, run in barns, native edible hedges, access to ad lib meadow hay all year round and grazing whenever weather permits.
We believe in giving our horses freedom and choice in order to facilitate natural behaviour and minimise the stress caused by domestication wherever possible.
Tel: 07768 182 572 (Lesley)
07703 555 314 (Jen)
Willow Moss Farm

Contact: Claire Green
Location: Scarisbrick, Lancashire
Barefoot friendly yard, DIY and livery spaces available for the right people.
I just like people on my yard to be interested in the welfare of their horse from the inside out, I have spent many years practicing good horsemanship from some amazing horsemen and consequently it has become a way of being and communication with the herd on the ground and in the saddle.
I hold various clinics with visiting instructors from foundation training to a straight well balanced horse ready to enjoy your chosen discipline.AllHorses are. Barefoot - I have a podiatrist who attends the yard weekly
All year turn out 24/7 in summer
Indoor school, brand new outdoor arena, fields to ride in, horse shower, night checks as I live on site, lots of friendly advice and help always available.
The Lazy W

Contact: Wendy Sawyer
Location: Nr Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria
I have private fields next to open fells, fabulous riding area, willing to share with like-minded person and their barefoot equine. Would need to cover one day a week (any) feeding hay, checking water and fencing, etc and at least 1 barrow of poo-picking!
I would provide all hay, regular worm check, and other daily checks, have a barefoot trimmer visiting already. No stables or facilities, just wonderful views, and great base for riding the fells.
Please email
Wilkinsons Farm Livery Yard

Contact: Sheila Pilling
Location: North Yorkshire/Lancashire border BD23 3LP
Conveniently situated just off the A59 at East Marton, between Skipton and Barnoldswick on the Yorkshire/Lancashire border.
High quality flexible Assisted DIY up to Part/Full livery.
All year turnout. 24/7 in summer. Daytime only in winter.
Separate summer and winter fields.
Superb facilities:
Spacious stables.
Two floodlit all-weather menages
Monarch 5 Horse walker
Floodlit Round Pen
Farm Ride with XC jumps and water providing fabulous safe off road riding with some lovely canter and gallop opportunities.
Fantastic hacking on bridleways, fields and quiet country lanes.
Grass SJ arena 63m x 60m, full course of show jumps.
New for Spring 2020 Working Hunter Course
Hot/cold horse shower and solarium
Homemade quality analysed hay/haylage included ad-lib within the Livery fee. Perfect for barefooters and the metabolically challenged enabling
accurate mineral balancing.
Regular visits from Ross Barker Barefoot trimmer.
Perfect for young or old, nervous, novice or experienced. Pleasure or competition riders.
Tuition available.
Regular clinics
You are very welcome to come and see for yourself what we have to offer you and your horse.