
Blogs and Magazines


Equine Wellness Magazine

Horsemanship Magazine

Love Horses Magazine

Natural Horse Magazine

The Barefoot Horse Magazine
- the ONLY magazine in Europe dedicated to owners with Barefoot Horses.
- Published Quarterly- View the magazine online or in print
- All about Barefoot Horses and their owners
- Owner’s stories, case studies, tips, horse & hoof care, competitions and so much more!

Issues released on:
- January 1st
- April 1st
- July 1st
- October 1st

Visit www.barefoothorsemag.co.uk for more details on how to purchase the magazine.

"The Horse’s Hoof" has been published as a quarterly magazine since 2000, and has followed the beginning of today's modern barefoot horse care movement. Each issue is filled with a wide variety of horse care and hoof care articles, covering different methods of barefoot trimming (not just one style!), health, diet & nutrition, hoof boots & protection, bitless riding and training, equine behavior, and more. Printed back issues are available through issue 51. Issues 1-50 are available in PDF format on a single handy CD. Online, easy to use PDF issues are available for every issue through the current one (#62 in Spring 2016). A one year online subscription is only $15 per year! Take a look at our 16 years of content: http://thehorseshoof.com/sub_contents.html 

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All Natural Horse Care

Enlightened Equine has been an internationally-recognized resource for information on science-based horse care since 2011, currently with over 70 articles written to help educate the horse owner on real-world hoof, health, and other management issues.

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Epona TV

Happy Horses Blog

Promoting hoof and whole horse health by providing help, support and education through articles, discussions, books and courses.

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Naked Horse

Rockley Farm

Simply Healthy Hooves

Soulful Equine

A blog on holistic horse health, including barefoot, nutrition, and alternative therapies.

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WILD ABOUT HOOVES is Australia's leading Hoof Care and Education Specialist. Field based experience in hoof care, rehabilitation, horse keeping and horsemanship. Learn to trim or become a qualified practitioner, join a wild brumby tour or seeTasmania from Horseback - there is something for every horse lover

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