Barefoot Friendly Livery Yards
Barefoot Friendly Livery Yards South East
Any UK based barefoot friendly livery yard is welcome to be listed on this website. The listing of yards on this site is neither approval nor recommendation. It’s simply to provide you with a way to find information so you can make your own decision.
Natural, Track and Barefoot Friendly Livery Yards are all welcome on this page.
Click here to list your Livery Yard
Capricorn Equestrian
- All stables are 12’x12’ fully rubber matted, light & airy, modern style
- Over 60 acres of all year round grazing
- Small turnout groups with electric fencing
- Two floodlit schools, 20 x 40 sand & 20 x 60 rubber
- Secure tack rooms, tea making facilities, wash down bay & toilet
- Regular clinics & programme of events
- Unaffiliated dressage series
- Onsite trainer/trainee dressage judge to help with schooling, lunging and hacking
- Set of lightweight jumps available for use
- Very friendly, accommodating yard with dedicated staff
- Tailored personal programmes including competition preparation and schooling livery
- Adult only environment (no under 16s thank you)
- Owners live on site
- Off road hacking around the farm itself and easy access to Lullingstone Golf Course
The Meadows Livery

Contact: Jenny
Location: Ashtead, Surrey
We have spaces for DIY & assisted DIY liveries. All liveries are at a very natural and peaceful setting over 25 plus acres. We keep the liveries to herds of 3-4 in separate fields so they can create a nice friendly relaxed small herd environment. This is a fabulous place for happy hackers, good doers, semi-retired and retired horses but not restricted to those. We are looking for like-minded, relaxed happy horses and owners to join us at our small, friendly yard. The yard is very accessible in all weathers and the owner keeps her four horses on an adjacent yard.
All our light and airy stables and field shelters are in pristine condition. We have approx 25 acres of well-managed and rotated paddocks, with plenty of natural shelters and hedgerows for foraging. The horse are stabled overnight during the very wet months, otherwise they live out.
We would prefer barefoot but are realistic that some owners and horses need a little time to transition to barefoot/natural livery so we like to think we are that hybrid between the two and give both time to adjust to what is comfortable to their needs. All stables open directly onto the fields so perfect for those transitional horses.
If this sounds like the place for you and your horse and would like more information, please call Jenny on 07973 458560.
Starlight Cottage
Contact: Babette Tegldal
Location: Near Faringdon, Oxfordshire
I offer only one pony laminitis rehab space at a time on my home track to make sure I can offer the very best care. I find rehabbing laminitis cases extremely rewarding ever since I went along the whole laminitis journey with one of my own horses. He is now 27 and sounder than ever - there is always hope!
My main philosophy is to reduce pain as quickly as possible through using pads and boots, to give access to analysed soaked hay and a laminitis friendly diet (including supplements to support liver to get rid of toxins, nutrients to encourage hoof regeneration), going barefoot if not already, to encourage gradual weight loss and to check any underlying hormonal or other reasons behind the laminitis (Cushings, EMS).
I also think it is important to allow the laminitic to have equine companionship (my cutest and friendliest icelandic pony!) and a simulating and interesting and most importantly comfortable and grass free environment.
I am a qualified Equine Touch practitioner so will assist the body in recovery and I work closely with a barefoot friendly vet and a wonderful trimmer who has a lot of experience with laminitis. If you are interested and would like to know more, do get in touch with me.
County Natural Livery
Contact: Natalie
Location: Near Chelmsford, Essex
Our natural livery yard is based on the Equicentral system and also includes tracks and an all weather hard standing surface. We also have access to superb hacking, a very well floodlit 20 x 40m manege, good grazing, ad lib hay, faecal egg counts, lorry parking, electric security gates, CCTV and 24hr security. The location and atmosphere will suit horses in work and/or competition, as well as retired horses. We have stables available if needed for any reason. Small herd of ten horses maximum.
Contact: Sarah
Location: Horsley
Equi central yard with 2 12x24 bedded shelters in a 30x40 corral , two paddocks and a track around the outside . All bare foot (apart from one with fronts on) good browsing and no rich cattle grazing. On site self selection available . I am offering two places for either full grass or retirement livery . Over 30 years of experience. Secure fencing, checks twice a day , rain water drinking troughs (and tap for back up if needed ) . Please call for more info. Thanks
Springwood Farm

Contact: Jacqui Howe
Location: Handcross, West Sussex
We are a small Barefoot friendly livery yard and would like to welcome like minded people to join our mixed herd. The horses live out 24/7 with free access to barns, under cover yard, hard standing areas, woodland and over 25 acres of ideal non-rye grass grazing. Plenty of enrichment and medicinal plants and shrubs to self-select.
Summoners Farm

Contact: Louise Reynolds
Location: Harrietsham, Kent
We are a small, barefoot, friendly yard. We would like to welcome like minded people, who want to keep their horse(s) as naturally as possible.
DIY Livery - Bare/Grass track in Summer with 24/7 turnout and stabled overnight in winter in large brick built stable with daily turnout on track or grazing in field in small herd. We can't surface all the tracks as we are in an AONB, but we're doing bits by stealth! Also have a hybrid Equicentral system.
I also train using +R and ride both my boys bitless. Find us on FB, message, or call me on 07919 854854
Puckshott Farm
Contact: April Chalklin
Location: Haslemere Surrey
Enriched yard for barefoot only- tracked system in summer, paddock turnout in winter in a mixed herd of happy relaxed horses. Hay fed out all year on a custom built hardstanding, herb bar, salt, hedgerow foraging and many enrichments.Floodlit school, tieup area, tack room, tea room, trailer parking,direct access to miles of off road hacking. Worm counts, hay, chaff included in package, horses checked throughout the day. Trimmer with over a decade of experience visits every 6 weeks.
Abbotts View Livery: Barefoot and Back to Nature

Contact: Amy Dell
Location: Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire
My mission is to create a livery yard for like minded people where their horses are free to express their natural behaviour, and is a place of retreat where people challenge themselves to build on their relationships with their horses and offer encouragement, guidance and support between one another.
Barefoot Livery Yard Chesham
Contact: Joanne
Location: Chesham, Bucks
One space on barefoot track livery to share small track with 18 year old cob gelding. Would prefer a gelding. Full or part livery if you are happy to share poo picking. Amazing off road hacking around woods and field. Horses get ad-lib hay and access to two stables on hardstanding area. Trimmer, Bodyworker, dentist etc all visit. Would prefer horse of similar age.
Contact Joanne 07951550438