I took my horse barefoot in 2001 when shoes would no longer stay on him. I was also concerned about the concussion his arthritic shoulders were receiving via metal shoes
I didn’t plan to become a professional. People just liked what I did with my horse and asked me to do theirs. So I started to study more….
I have always been fascinated by the beauty and complexity of the hoof, constantly working to correct itself once we give it the chance
I have been trimming professionally since 2003. While I have chosen to remain independent, I have studied with as many “schools of thought” as I can and continue to find my own CPD, including receiving feedback and support from other trimmers
As an equine behaviourist I tend to specialise in horses who struggle to stand for hoof care and help to provide the patience and long-term behavioural shaping that they need
Home county is Surrey. I travel to Sussex, Kent, Berkshire, Hampshire and occasionally Northamptonshire, Essex and Devon
Equine Behaviourist (also have PhD in astrophysics but not so relevant here!)
© Copyright 2015 Catherine Bell