I am a fully qualified and insured DAEP (Degree in Applied Equine Podiatry) living near Watlington in Oxfordshire. My interest in Natural Horsemanship and the shoeless horse began in 1996 when I attended my first barefoot course and began keeping my horse naturally.
In 2002 whilst working at Brackenhill Stud, a natural dressage stud owned by international dressage competitor Lucinda McAlpine I had the fortune of helping to host one of KC La Pierre’s courses. I realized then that finally I had met a man with the answers. KC proves that the horse’s foot is far more complex than traditional methods describe (the foot’s function is to expand and contract, the frog pumps blood up the leg etc..). He knows the pitfalls of the transition to shoeless and has found ways to responsibly help horse owners take their first steps down the chosen road.
I qualified as a DAEP in May 2009 after being inundated with requests by people to trim their horses. I had not previously intended to qualify and was happy attending solely to my own horses. However, by the end of 2009 I had 60 horses on my books! I cannot describe the satisfaction of seeing a horse that on arrival was crippled with sub-solar abscesses caused by poor trimming and environment go completely sound within two trim cycles. I was amazed at the difference I had made to these horses’ well-being just by providing good hoofcare management. I knew I had found my calling.
I am the proud owner of 3 horses, all shoeless and out to graze 24/7. My passions include Freestyle riding (bareback and bridleless), long distance trail rides, jumping (just for fun) and driving. The Horse/Human relationship is of great importance to me and clients often comment on how much happier their horses are to be handled by a hoofcare professional who offers a relaxed experience and who shows compassion and patience toward their horses.
© Copyright 2015 Katharina Jay