I am a part time EP working weekends and evenings when daylight permits.
I am always happy to discuss options relating to hoof-care and general horse health in conjunction with veterinary and other equine professionals.
I pride myself on my ability to work sympathetically with horses that have physical or emotional issues and take great pleasure in seeing improvements to a horse’s well-being as a result.
I do not provide owner training but I am a strong supporter of owner education and am available to provide practical help, advice and information to individuals and groups.
DAEP (2006)
South Wales – approx. 25 mile radius of Cardiff
My initial training was with KC La Pierre but in the eight years since qualifying I have furthered my education across a range of topics and with some of the foremost researchers and educators in the fields of equine and veterinary study.
I continue to learn on a daily basis with my greatest teachers being the horses themselves.
© Copyright 2015 Nick Vincent