
Tracey Brimble

Tracey Brimble
: 07974 749 043: traceybrimble@btinternet.com: DAEP: Independent


I am a rather traditional horse owner, I compete and train regularly on my own three horses in dressage, show jumping and eventing, one of whom I bred and backed myself. I became a barefoot trimmer due to the loss of my first horse with navicular.

I religiously followed the veterinary advice for joint injections, exercise, and latterly remedial shoeing, which as I now know had no hope of saving her, she was PTS in 2000 at the age of 13.

My second horse was purchased at 6 years old, all was fantastic (shod) until she was almost 10, then she developed the identical foot problems my first horse had.  I knew this wasn’t a coincidence due to my riding, or the horse’s own genetics so I investigated the care of the feet.

To cut a very long story short the internet screamed “take the shoes off” at me, I did and she walked away sound and is now 19 and still eventing fit.

Once I’d opened pandora’s box I couldn’t ignore what I’d learned, I trained as an Equine Podiatrist through the need to understand what was going wrong with all our horses feet and became qualified as a result, then my phone started ringing and it hasn’t stopped.

It is now my pleasure to help others retrieve their horses from the fate of my first horse, and of course even better to care for many life long unshod horses as well.

Whilst I trained as an Equine Podiatrist I firmly believe the horses I’ve worked with have trained me far more than the initial training on its own.  I have adapted and developed my methods and continue to do so as the horses respond to my care.  They are all individual, and I treat them as such.

I live in Chew Magna and work in Somerset, Wiltshire with the occasional foray into Gloucester.


DAEP (Nov 2006)



Area Covered


Further Education


© Copyright 2015 Tracey Brimble